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Showing posts from January, 2022

Igloo, craft for toddlers

  IGLOO Craft for toddlers Supplies: - white paper                   - blue construction paper (black or purple works too)                   - scissors                   - glue First step:  Cutting strips of white paper (which is a fine motor activity).  I like to help them  by entering my fingers with theirs if they want me too ( I have small fingers).  If one refuse I move along and help another one if they are managing well by themself I sit with them and cut some.  If they choose to rip instead, that's fine, it is also a good way to develop the muscles of their fingers. Second step:  I make two arches with glue and give them the strips of paper that we gathered earlier    (I, actually, cut a good amount of them). When my students point to their project and say "I made this", that makes me happy.

Hockey, gross motor activity for toddlers

  Hockey Gross Motor activity for toddlers  Supplies : - one paper towel tube per child and teachers                    - one black construction paper crumpled into a ball                    - your sport's spirit and your caller's voice to shout " He (she) shoots and scores".  You could manage a goal to target somehow with two chairs or under a table but with the two years old it is not necessary.  Just hitting the paper pock is the objective here to work on the eye and hand coordination and have fun for your students and yourself :).  Enjoy!