CURLING Winter Gross motor and Social activity for toddlers Supplies : - Empty bleach container -Utility knife - Duct tape - Long piece of white paper - Red and blue construction paper - Glue stick Preparation : Wash the bleach container, cut off the middle part with an utility knife. Keep 1 to 2 inches from the narrower part on top and cut at the bottom line of the bottom part so you can insert the top in the bottom. Insert the top part in the bottom part and tape with duct tape. Cut 2 big rings of blue construction paper (as big as a 8 x 11 piece allows you) then 2 smaller red ones. Cut a long piece of white paper from a roll ( about 6 feet long). Glue the rings at each end of the paper. Cover with a slightly bigger contact paper. How to play curling with the 2 years old : Just show them how to push the "stone" across the "ice" and try to make it go in the house (on the rings). Give one a stone and one a little broom. Let t...
This blog provides activities for toddlers, with strategies how to implement them. They encourage every aspect of child development: cognition, social and emotional, fine and gross motor, communication and art. I hope my 30+ years of experience working with young children will help you to coach the toddler(s) under your care, for a happy and learning life.