SEAL PUP CRAFT FOR TODDLERS Supplies: - White tempera - White glue - 1 paint brush per child - 2 little black circles for the eyes per child (googly eyes are a choking hazard for children under 3.) - 1 purple circle with nose and mouth drawn per child - 1 cut out seal pup silhouette per child (I'm not an artist, if I can do this so can you. Don't try to be perfect, your toddlers are not asking you that) Activity It can be done as a group or one by one, it all depend on the atmosphere of your class at that moment. Here how I did it : I mix white paint and white glue in a bowl. I wrote the name of one child on a piece of purple paper and gave him/her a paint brush right away that I dipped in the white mixture. So they have something else to do than waving and destroying the paper. When everyone has their paper I gave them the seal pup silhouette and dipped again the brush instructing them and modeling painting on an inside out motion to create th...
This blog provides activities for toddlers, with strategies how to implement them. They encourage every aspect of child development: cognition, social and emotional, fine and gross motor, communication and art. I hope my 30+ years of experience working with young children will help you to coach the toddler(s) under your care, for a happy and learning life.