HAMMERING A PUMPKIN WITH GOLF TEES fine motor activity for toddlers It was hard the first time we did it, most of them needed help to start but then the following days the wholes were already done so it was more enjoyable for them. Supplies : - 10 or more toy hammers - plenty golf trees - one or more pumpkin The set up : Just put the pumpkin (s) on the table. Have your students choose a hammer, five each a handful if tees and demonstrate what to do. The reason I like to have more hammers than children is for the last one have choice too.
This blog provides activities for toddlers, with strategies how to implement them. They encourage every aspect of child development: cognition, social and emotional, fine and gross motor, communication and art. I hope my 30+ years of experience working with young children will help you to coach the toddler(s) under your care, for a happy and learning life.