PAPER TUBE RINGS AND COTTON SWABS SNOWFLAKES Fine motor skills activity for toddlers Supplies : - paper tubes - scissors - hole punch - cotton swabs Prep : Cut paper towel or toilet paper tubes in 2 inches rings. Punch 6 holes, try to make the one across at the same distance from the edge then change the height location for the other sets. Meaning one set of two close to the upper edge, another one close to the lower edge and the last one in the middle. Give your student a ring and three cotton swabs then provide more as they finish them. Have fun like we did!
This blog provides activities for toddlers, with strategies how to implement them. They encourage every aspect of child development: cognition, social and emotional, fine and gross motor, communication and art. I hope my 30+ years of experience working with young children will help you to coach the toddler(s) under your care, for a happy and learning life.