Hand print Polar Bear
This year my group is rather young, some of my kids are 1 year old so their span of attention is short. We made this project in 3 steps. Some were not interested in some steps and it is ok.
First step:
Cutting light blue paper
Fine Motor Activity
I gave them a piece of light blue paper and a pair of scissors, asking them for 3 pieces. Some understood, some not. Either way I just let them exploring and
I gathered 3 pieces per child out of the "mess" without writing their name on it. I helped some of them. Some cut many, some none.
Step 2:
Icy landscape
Cognitive Activity
I put some glue in a egg carton separated in 2 cups and gave them a paint brush, a dark blue construction paper and 3 pieces of light blue paper. When they were done I gave them a couple of snowflake stickers.
Step 3:
Hand print Polar Bear
I traced their hands, cut them out and drew and cut out a bear face ( I am not an artist, if I can do it, you can too). I put the glue on the hand print and instructed to flip it over and place it where they wanted on the icy landscape. Then I put a drop of glue on the thumb and gave them the head to put on the glue.
I love them, and they are all different.
1. Don't try to cut egg carton with scissors, just separate them with your hands.
2. I think the best way to teach them how to use the scissors ( if they are willing) it is by going down behind one at a time and put your fingers in the holes with them (I have small fingers) or demonstrate. If they want finding out by themself, that's ok and if they rip instead that's ok too, it makes their fingers at work and that's the goal.
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