THE PRINCIPLES THAT GUIDE ME TO MANAGE A GROUP OF TODDLERS 1. The group as a whole is the priority at all times. That means I try not to focus too hard or too long on anything else. When I clean or put the shoes on one child for example, I keep an eye on the group. I position myself in a way that I see everyone. And if one child gets bored or disruptive, I drop whatever i'm doing and discreetly direct him/her to a safe and acceptable activity. If I cannot drop what I'm doing, for example if I'm changing a diaper, I sing an action song or direct verbally. The tone and the words have to be positive and enthusiastic as opposed to negative. I try to not turn my back on the children. If I ever do, for example to open the shed in the playground, I count them first and acknowledge that they are safe and behaved, if not I take care of that first. Then I am quick at opening the shed or whatever else and then I count them again and see ...
This blog provides activities for toddlers, with strategies how to implement them. They encourage every aspect of child development: cognition, social and emotional, fine and gross motor, communication and art. I hope my 30+ years of experience working with young children will help you to coach the toddler(s) under your care, for a happy and learning life.
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