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Arctic animals, one week lesson plan for toddlers

 Arctic Animals 
One week lesson plan for toddlers
Language and Literacy 
Flip and Flop
by Dawn Apperley
Fine motor
Cuting fishes drawn on strips of paper to feed the penguin tomorrow
(Counting and Cardinality)
Couting penguins
If you want to know more about my cognitive activities, click the link below:

If you are intimidated about drawing I encourage you to give this penguin a try, click on the link below for clear instructions:
Social and Emotional 
(Sense of self)
Bringing each child to the mirror with a wet wipes and asking them to wash their face themself after eating.
Click the link below for more information about my Social and Emotional activities:
Gross motor
Playing Boomba like the penguins in the story Flip and Flop. Counting to 3 and dropping on our bottom, shouting:"Boomba".
(Number operations)
1 penguin + 1 penguin = 2 penguins
Social and Emotional 
(Relationships with adults)
Rocking each child, singing "Rock-a-by-baby".
Fine Motor 
Feed the penguin.
Gross Motor 
Walking like a penguin's dad, with an "egg" between our feet.
We used artificial indoor snowballs but it could be any ball.
Language and Literacy 
(Expressive language)
While rubbing backs during nap, asking each child:"Do you remember what we did this morning?  What was your favorite activity?"
Shape penguin
Language and Literacy 
(Receptive Language) 
Teacher says: "Waddle like a penguin, walk like a fox..."
Social and Emotional 
(Relationships with peers)
Holding hands as a group and dropping on our bottom, shouting "boomba", like the penguins in the story Flip and Flop, by Dawn Apperley. 
Fine Motor 
Filling a cup with cotton balls, using tweezers
Gross Motor 
Waddling like a penguin.
Arctic Fox
Playing with iced penguins on a tray.

Social and Emotional 
(Emotional Expression)
Singing "If you're excited and you know clap your hands" before going outside or in the big room.
Fine Motor 
Connecting mini marshmallows with toothpicks
Gross Motor 
Penguin song by The Learning Station
Language and Literacy 
(Print concepts)
Writing the first letter of their name in salt on a tray. Then letting them drawing freely with their fingers. (I have the feeling that is the idea behind etch a sketch). 
Expect a mess.   Don't let them run in it, it makes the floor slippery. Have the broom nearby and sweep often during the activity.  It is a good idea to have some small ones for the children to use, that's the best way to prevent them from running.
Snow dough
It was supposed to be for modeling as an art activity... oh well, we used the Arctic animals and made tracks's all good.
(Symbolic Representation)
Making the penguins waddling and going in the igloo we made earlier during the week.
Social and Emotional 
What can I do when i am excited?  Say it, happy dance, jump up and down...
Fine Motor 
Feed the penguin with gold fish 
Gross Motor 
Penguin song, by the learning station
Language and Literacy 
(Phonological awareness)
Listening to video of penguin's sounds then try to imitate them.
Snowy Owl

Have fun!




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