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Camping art for toddlers


- 1 black construction paper per child
- 2 construction papers cut in triangle (color of choice)  (I like to give each child the choice if the atmosphere of the classroom allows it)
- a bunch of brown paper strips
- at least 3 evergreen trees per child.

It was a week project for our class. First we peeled and applied star stickers on a black construction paper.  It is such a good and appreciated fine motor activity for toddlers.  Then I took a picture of them sitting in front of me.  It was a little bit of a challenge to make them looking at me and not move, then figure out the size of the picture. It has to be on the smaller size.

The child on the picture is not 2 yet and was not interested in making the tent so I made it for him.  When I showed him he gave me a beaming smile.  The goal of art at that age is more the appreciation of it so I knew my goal was met when I saw his reaction.  The other children loved making the tent.  They applied glue with a glue stick put the first triangle on top and "tap tap tap" (I always say that when pasting something so by now they do it too).  Then glue on the triangle then the cut out picture, glue around the picture then the triangle with a slit in the middle and the sides folded open to see the child.

Another day we cut with scissors and I cut the parts we would need next : brown little strips of paper, red, orange and yellow flames, and evergreen trees.  Of course I could have done leafy trees too but my kids needed to change of activity so the cutting stopped when they got restless. 

So during free play I took them one by one and help them to make the campfire.

Another day I gave them 3 trees and a glue stick and they handled that step pretty well on their own as a group activity. 

Here you have it.  I call it a successful activity. Everyone loved doing it and is proud of showing it to mom and dad.

If you are planing activities on camping theme you might be interested in my s'more book, click below to open and see :


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